Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Alamo a San Antonio Legend

On September 22 my class went to the Alamo to walk its grounds and learn about its history from the curator, Dr. Winders, he said that all history is connected and that the story of the Alamo has been told very differently. In movie that tell the story of the Alamo the John Wayne movie tells us that the Massacer at Goldia happened before the battle of the Alamo when in fact the it happened after the Alamo. When most people go to see the Alamo when they reach the front the chapel is the first thing many people see and think it is the front of the Alamo but actually the front was a wall with a gate that extended all the way to the river and where most of the buildings are today.

After the battle the Alamo was nearly in ruins and it wasnt till the early 1900's after the civil was that the United States Government allowed the restoration of the Alamo and it wasnt designated a national park until the 1960's. The Alamo was mainly used for millitary storage during the civil war and in the chapel a adicte was built manily from storage space but was latter torn down after the Civil War. Today the chapel is now a memoriale for all those who fought at the Alamo and holds the flags of each independant state that each person hailed from. Althought the has hold history for it is the heart of San Antonio and will still be there to intrest future generations in its rich history.

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