Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Mission Espada

I Learned over at Mission Espada is that the mission was once a community for the Native Americans during the time of exploration for Spain and that the mission was used for many purposes. One of the uses for the mission was the chapel and that even today there are decadences of the mission that still hold Sunday masses over there and that it is one of the only buildings that are still standing during the years since it completion. The Park Ranger Dora Martinez told us some facts that were very informative about the Native Americans lived their lives back in the early days of the mission. In order to get water over to the mission the Native’s built an aqueduct that leads from the San Antonio River over to the mission and even to this day is the oldest running aqueduct in America. One of the ways that the Indians lived their lives over at the mission was the farming had to be done out side of the mission which put those that went outside of the mission at great risk from a raid by enemy tribes. For a way for the Indians to sleep at night was that thy grabbed some deer moss that would fall down from the mosque trees as for a mattress of a kind so they would sleep in their tents. The way the Indians had clothes because the Spaniards thought them how to use the loom which was a way for the Indians to make clothes so that they would be more civilized and more presentable in life. That is what I learned from my trip to Mission Espada and that it is a mission that would need to be preserved for as long as possible for the rich history that the mission holds.

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